Graded Readers: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas

This term you are going to read Tim Burton’s well-known story The Nightmare Before Christmas.


After reading the book, you will perform two tasks:


You will read the story carefully and do the following exercises: 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 5.3, 6.3

Deadline: 6th November 2017

Remember that the presentation of your work is part of its final mark! Be neat.


You will work in pairs. Each group will receive a chapter number, and you will develop a poster (A3 size) including the following information:

  • Main characters in the chapter
  • Plot

Besides, you will prepare an oral presentation of your work. Both members of the group have to speak between two and three minutes.

Date of presentations: 27th November 2017

Remember the rules for marking an oral presentation:

Captura de pantalla 2017-10-22 a las 14.11.26