Spill the beans!

Hi students! we are going to start this year by sharing some personal information. Here is the deal: you pick a candy from the bag (don’t look!) and before eating it, you have to share a piece of information about yourself with the class. The nature of the information depends on the color of the candy bean.

Have fun!



Dear students, please check this app out! Quizlet is a fun and easy way to practice vocabulary. If you search for my username mrscora you will find all the vocabulary sorted by topics. There you can choose which words to review, play with them and even listen to their pronunciation. Join your classroom in the menu “Clases”, this way I can follow your progress!

Play online quizzes which are personalized depending on your performance:

You can also practice vocabulary finding pairs of words + translation:

Let me know what you think! Enjoy your learning

Conditionals chain

Dear students,

today we will be practicing chain sentences using conditionals. If you are sitting at the front row in the class, choose a sentence from the picture below. Copy it at the top of a blank page, then complete it (make sure you know which conditional you are using!). When you are done, give the paper to the student behind you.

If you receive the paper, you have to write a full conditional sentence using the end of the last sentence in the paper. After you write your conditional sentence, fold the paper so as only your sentence is visible. Give it to the student behind you.

If you are the last person in the row, write your conditional sentence and read the whole paper to the rest of the class. Let’s vote for the best conditional chain!

Have fun!


Speak about the future!

Dear students, here we have a board game to practice speaking about the future. I hope you enjoy it!


You will play in pairs or groups of three. Roll the dice: if the number is even, move 1 square. Otherwise, move two. You have to speak for 30 seconds about the topic in your square. Your peers can ask you questions if they want: you must answer each and every question they make! Wins the first to reach FINISH!

Good luck!