Sports Spinner Game

All you need to play this game is a dice and a timer! Roll it twice, one to get the sport and another one to get the modal. Set your timer to two minutes and write all the sentences that you can about the sport using the modal. You may use the verbs below!

You can download the board here.

Have fun!

Captura de pantalla 2019-04-19 a las 17.08.09.png


Dear students, please check this app out! Quizlet is a fun and easy way to practice vocabulary. If you search for my username mrscora you will find all the vocabulary sorted by topics. There you can choose which words to review, play with them and even listen to their pronunciation. Join your classroom in the menu “Clases”, this way I can follow your progress!

Play online quizzes which are personalized depending on your performance:

You can also practice vocabulary finding pairs of words + translation:

Let me know what you think! Enjoy your learning