Task 2: Humans of New York

Dear students,

For this task I want you to get to know a wonderful project which is called “Humans of New York”. It began as a photography project, and its goal was to portray a sample of the inhabitants of New York. The project grew and it has evolved into a series of stories about people all over the world. For each person, you will find a picture and a caption which explains the person’s story. There are all sorts of stories: romance, adventures, regrets, hopes for the future… I hope you enjoy working on this task.

What you have to do:

  • Explore HONY webpage or Facebook page.
  • Find four different stories that capture your attention (microfashion excluded).
  • REWRITE the stories using your own words. Summarise them and include the reason why you chose that person.
  • WRITE your own “Humans of Pinos Puente” story (100 words), including a picture of yourself to accompany the text. Remember to write the text in first person singular: I grew up in Pinos Puente
  • Send the texts to my email for checking. You can rewrite and resubmit as many times as you need to improve your grade.


  • Tuesday, 19th November 2019.

Have fun and enjoy your bank holiday weekend!!