Task 3: School Day of Non-violence and Peace

Hi everyone!

Here you have your third task, just in time to celebrate the School Day of Non-violence and Peace. You may know that January is a month closely related to peace, hosting the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.‘s birthday.

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The latter was inspired by the former, and he became the most influential American activist in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. In 1963, he delivered his famous speech “I have a dream”, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, in the heart of Washington. This speech is full of emotion and poetry, and I would love to enjoy it together with all of you.

TASK – What do I have to do?

  • You will receive in class or by email a part of the speech.
  • Find your excerpt in the speech using the transcript (download it here).
  • Listen to the speech in the video below while you read the transcript and try to write down the intonation for your excerpt.
  • Practice reading it aloud until you do sound great!
  • RECORD your voice reading your excerpt. Check that it sounds perfect. Repeat if needed. (You can use your mobile!)
  • SEND me the audio file, and include a TRANSLATION of your excerpt. Remember to read it after writing to make sure the translation makes sense in Spanish!
  • THAT’S IT!!



I have a dream that my wonderful students will achieve a great level of English!!

And this is the final result! Good job, everyone!!

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