
In this lesson, we wanted to practice writing recipes. You know how fond I am of games, so I prepared this Masterchef for my 4th ESO students. The game is so easy to implement, and most importantly, fun!! Here we go:

Prep time: 5 minutes (maybe 10 if you want to print pictures of the ingredients as I did)

Materials: envelopes, pictures of different ingredients, dictionaries if needed. I also gave my students pieces of paper with the basic verbs used in cooking.

How to:

Put 5 ingredients on each envelope (don’t be afraid of mixing strawberries with chicken!)

I have a group of 25 students, so I divided the group in two and made 2 sets of 4 envelopes. The students get into pairs or groups of three.

Stage 1: Each group sits in front of an envelope. They have 10 minutes to write a recipe with the ingredients of the envelope. After the time is up, the group moves to another envelope. Every group writes a recipe for each of the 4 envelopes in their half.

Stage 2:

Each group gets the recipes written by the other half of the class for one of the envelopes. They have to proofread them and choose the best, either because it’s the best written, or the most original… they have to agree on a criterion and explain it to the class.

Let me know if you try to implement this idea in your class! Have fun!!

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